Thanks, and buon appetitio.
I have added a Print Recipe feature to each recipe page on this site. If you encounter any difficulties using it, or have any improvement suggestions, please use the Comment option to this Blog to report your issues. I will do my best to correct the matter as quickly as possible.
Thanks, and buon appetitio.
kathleen canavan
3/1/2014 02:38:13 am
The printing is great. Would like the recipe for floating stuffed peppers. Thanks.
Grandpa Joe
3/1/2014 03:31:43 am
Happy to oblige. Try it now.
kathleen canavan
3/1/2014 07:39:03 am
Got it, Joe. Thanks.
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AuthorHobby Chef Grandpa Joe has been practicing Italian-style cooking for over 60 years. He enjoys cooking, entertaining, and sharing culinary experiences with family and friends. Archives
May 2017
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