Cooking in Grandpa Joe's kitchen
It's been said many times before. There are as many variations of Italian foods and recipes as there are Italian grandmothers – or, as I prefer, Italian grandfathers! Actually, I'm an American grandfather, but my four grandparents were born in Italy and they taught my mother and father – who taught me – how to cook their versions of Italian fare. I have attempted to preserve, and in some cases recreate, their recipes – some of which amounted to, "I just add a little more until it tastes right!"
Over the years, I have collected hundreds of recipes from dozens of sources – many of which I have shared with friends – and many of them have challenged me to create this site to share on a broader scale these recipes and the simple techniques that make them special . For better or worse, and as you can see, I am accepting their challenge. I hope you will stay with us for a while, make some comments, and offer some suggestions! What you can expect
The purpose of this web site and blog is to give you an opportunity to learn more about preparing simple, but delicious, foods Italian style. We will discuss and share techniques, recipes, ingredients, tools, and probably more. Whether you consider yourself an expert or a novice (or maybe more importantly whether your family considers you an expert or a novice), you will get new ideas for healthy dishes that are easy to prepare and taste especially good!
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